Micropropagation and pathogen removal of woody plants - Institute of Horticultural Sciences
Micropropagation and pathogen removal of woody plants
The Micropropagation Laboratory of the Fruit Growing Research Center has been carrying out the micropropagation of woody plants almost uniquely in the country for decades. Primarily fruit species, to a lesser extent forest species and herbaceous plants make up the main profile. The lab is basically a service lab, it carries out micropropagation on external orders, and provides homogeneous, genetically identical plant material in R+D tenders. The number of plants produced depends on the number of assistants, but on average we produce tens of thousands of plants per year. We also undertake the development of new plant micropropagation technology. The laboratory includes a special greenhouse that can be used for 12 months, can be heated and cooled, and serves to acclimatize the small plants. Thanks to this, we can propagate and acclimatize plants all year round.
For the pathogen-free pre-base plant stock maintained by the Research Center, we also carry out the pathogen eradication of the varieties, and we provide this activity as a service, using both traditional and modern methods, and their combination (heat treatment, meristem cultivation, chemotherapy). In our isolation house, we also undertake the further cultivation of pathogen-free, valuable plant stock as a service.
Contact:MATE Institute of Horticultural Sciences,
Fruit Growing Research Center - Budatetény Research Station
Dr. Éva Preininger - senior scientific associate, head of research station
Tel: +36 1 362 15 96
E-mail: gyumolcstermeszto@uni-mate.hu