Dr. András Geösel 

Dr.  András Geösel
Position: Associate professor, Head of Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Cultivation
Institute of Horticultural Sciences, Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Cultivation
E-mail address: geosel.andras@uni-mate.hu
Telephone number: +36-13057-226

Professional experience:
2017-2021: Assistant dean of education, Szent István University, Faculty of Horticulture
2017- Head of Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Cultivation
2017- Associate professor, Szent István University, 
2014-2017 Assistant professor, Corvinus University of Budapest and then Szent István University, Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Cultivation
2010-2014 teaching assistant, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Vegetable and Mushroom Cultivation

2017-2021 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Horticulture and Food Science Committee, Secretary of the Subcommittee on Vegetable Production
2016-2018 Member of the Board of the Hungarian Mycological Society
2014- Member of the CPVO 'Mushroom technical guideline' development committee
2014- Vice-president of the "World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products"
2014- Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2013- Member of the International Society for Mushroom Science
2011- Member of the council of the "World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products" 

Their awards and recognitions:
2021 Master Teacher Gold Medal
2014 Certificate of appreciation for TDK supervisor activities
2013 Mária Antónia Krámer award

Doctoral training, information: Doctoral link 
Publication data: MTMT link 

Research area:
Development of mushroom cultivation technology through improvement of the raw material and strain selection. Development of integrated control procedures against pathogens and pests occurring in mushroom cultivation. Examination of active ingredients and content parameters of cultivated mushrooms.

Optional thesis topics:
Cultivation of exotic mushroom species
Mushroom cultivation on household by-products
Development of integrated control procedures for mushroom cultivation
Greenhouse vegetable cultivation technical details

Taught subjects:
cultivation Medicinal mushrooms
Vegetable  cultivation